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1/2 C. whisky
1 bottle soda water, chilled
Lemon ice (composition not described--try freezing lemonade in ice cube trays)

Put a lemon ice in a soda water glass, add one half gill of whisky and a bottle of iced soda water, mix and serve. 



1 quart corn meal
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tbs. butter
1/2 c. molasses
Hot milk or water
Butter for pan


Sift a quart of fine Indian meal, mix with it a salt-spoonful of salt, two large spoonfuls of butter and a half a cup of molasses; make it into a common dough with scalding water, or hot milk, mixing it well with a spoon; put it in a well buttered skillet, make it smooth, and bake it rather briskly. When it is done, cut it in thin smooth slices, toast them lightly, butter them, stack them and eat them warm.

~Recipe for Old-Fashioned Root Beer~ 
1 cake of compressed yeast
5 pounds sugar
2 ounces sassafraass root
1 ounce hops or giner root
2 ounces juniper berries
4 gallons water
1 ounce dadelion root
2 ounces wintergreen
flannel bag
Wash roots well in cold water. 
Add juniper berries (crushed) and hops.
Pour 8 quarts boiling water over root mixture
and boil slowly for 20 minutes.
Strain through flannel bag.
Add sugar and remaining 8 quarts of water.
Allow to stand until lukewarm
Dissolve yeast in a little cool water. 
Add to root liquid.  Stir well.
Let settle, then strain again and bottle.
Cork tightly.
Keep in a warm room for 5 hours,
then store in a cool place.
Put on ice as required for use.



3/4 c. butter
3/4 c. sugar
1/3 c. molasses
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ginger
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. caraway
1 tsp. coriander seed
1 tsp. baking soda, dissolved in a little water


Melt a tea-cup of butter, mix it with a tea-cup of sugar, and half a tea-cup of molasses. Stir in a tea-spoonful of cinnamon, the same quantity of ginger, a grated nutmeg, and a tea-spoonful each of caraway and coriander seed--put in a tea-spoonful of baking soda, dissolved in half a tea-cup of water, stir in flour till stiff enough to roll out thin, cut it into cakes, and bake them in a slow oven.


1 or 2 chickens
3/4 pint water or veal broth
Salt and pepper to taste
1-2 tbs. flour
1 tbs. butter
sweet herbs
2 egg yolks
1 gill (about 1/2 cup) cream
juice from 1/2 lemon
Bit of nutmeg
Onion slices (optional)

The chickens are cut to pieces, and covered with warm water to draw out the blood. Then put into a
stew-pan, with three quarters of a pint of water, or veal broth, salt, pepper, flour, butter, mace, sweet herbs pounded and sifted. Boil it half an hour. If it is too fat, skim it a little. Just before it is done, mix the yolk of two eggs with a gill of cream, grate in a little nutmeg, stir it up till it is thick and smooth, squeeze in half a lemon. If you like onion's stew some slices with the other ingredients.



Unbaked pie shell
 1 cup white sugar 
1/4 cup flour Butter 
1/4 tsp. salt 
Cinnamon or nutmeg (optional) 

Dump the dry ingredients into the pie shell and mix a bit with finger or fork. Pour WHOLE milk over the dry ingredients to fill pie shell*. Dot the top with butter, and bake for 15 minutes at 400 deg. Turn oven down to 350 deg. and continue baking 35 - 40 minutes. Top should be slightly browned.


To one quart of milk, boiled and cooled, add half a pound of butter, half a tea-cup of yeast, a little salt, and flour enough to make a soft dough; beat up the milk, butter and yeast in the middle of the flour; let it stand till it rises, in a warm place; then work it up with the whites of two eggs, beaten light; let it rise again, then mold out into long rolls; let them stand on the board or table, to rise, an hour or two; then grease your pans and bake in an oven or stove until golden brown at 350 degrees.


Take one quart of milk, three eggs, a cup of sugar (of yellow cake mix),one tea-spoonful baking soda, one teacup of wheat flour, and Indian meal sufficient to make a batter of the consistency of pancakes. Bake quick, in pans previously buttered, and eat it warm with sweet butter or milk. The addition of wheat flour will be found to be a great improvement in the art of making these cakes, but white self-rising flour will do.


3 eggs
2 oz. butter
1 tsp. cream or milk
Buttered toast


Very convenient for (a light dish) supper or wonderful for breakfast. Beat up three eggs with two ounces of fresh butter, or well-washed salt butter; add a teaspoonful of cream or milk. Put all in a saucepan and keep stirring it over the fire for nearly five minutes, until it rises up like a soufflé, when it should be immediately dished on buttered toast.


One quart cold milk, four table-spoonfuls of flour, two table-spoonfuls of sugar, season with nutmeg or cinnamon, and add a little salt. Set the milk over the fire, and when it boils pour in the flour, which should be previously stirred up in a little cold milk. When it is thoroughly scalded, add the sugar, spice, and salt, and bake it either in crust or cups.


Ripe plums
Brown sugar

Break up some fine ripe plums, and boil them in a small quantity of water till soft, adding the kernels from half of the plum seeds, after bruising them. Strain the liquid through a cloth, and to each three quarts add two pounds and a half of the best brown sugar. Boil it up, skim it, and cool it; put in a quart of brandy to every three quarts of the syrup, and bottle it for use.


~Recipe for Haytime Switchel~ 
1 gallon water
2-1/2 cups of sugar
1 cup dark molasses
1/2 cup white or cider vinegar
2 teaspoons ground ginger
Mix all ingredients together, add ice, and chill.
Serve over ice as desired.  (Very sweet,  has a strong ginger flavor, but is extremely thirst-quenching on
a hot day!) 


Put four gallons of ripe raspberries into a stone jar, and mash them with a round stick. Take four gallons of soft water, (measured after it has boiled an hour,) and strain it warm over the raspberries. Stir it well and let it stand twelve hours. Then strain it through a bag, and to every gallon of liquor put three pounds of loaf-sugar. Set it over a clear fire, and boil and skim it till the scum ceases to rise. When it is cold, bottle it. Open the bottles every day for a fortnight, closing them again in a few minutes. Then seal the corks, and lay the bottles on their sides in saw-dust, which must not be from pine wood.


~Recipe for Homemade Soda Pop~  
1/2 pint water
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 egg
cold tap water
fruit juice or root beer flavoring (optional)
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon bircarbonate of soda (baking soda)
saucepan with lid
mixing spoon
medium mixing bowl
1-quart bottle with lid
1.  Heat the water to boiling in covered saucepan.
2.  Reduce the heat to medium and stir in the sugar and
cream of tartar.  Keep stirring and heating until the
sugar has dissolved completely.
3.  Remove saucepan from heat, stir in the vanilla,
and allow the mixture to cool.
4.  Separate the egg white from the yolk.
Discard the yolk and put the egge white in medium bowl.
5.  Beat the egg white until quite stiff.  Add the egg white
to the mixture in the saucepan.  Stir well to blend.
6.  Pour the mixture into the bottle.  Put the lid on the
bottle and place in refrigeration. 
Do not drink this mixture!
This is just the soda syrup, similar to the syrup that
is still used in some soda fountains today.
7.  To make the soda pop, fill an 8-ounce glass with  cold
water.  Stir in 2 tablespoons of syrup.  For varied flavors, you
can add fruit juice or root beer flavoring.
8.  Add the lemon juice and baking soda; stire well.
Serve over ice.



2 young chickens, cut up
1 quart Irish (white) potatoes (about 8-10)
1 dozen tomatoes
1 dozen ears roasting corn
1 onion, large
Salt, pepper and butter to taste

Take two young chickens, cut them up, and parboil them; then peel and cook one quart of Irish potatoes; then peel and cut up one dozen large, ripe tomatoes; then cut the corn off one dozen soft roasting ears and mash it up; add to these one large onion, cut up fine. Put all in a stew pan and stew for two hours, stirring frequently to prevent burning. Extract the bones of the fowl; season with salt, butter and pepper, and serve hot. If, after a fair trial, you pronounce this an unpalatable dish, then your loyalty to the Southern Confederacy ought to be questioned.

Jeff Davis Pie

1 cup brown or white sugar

2 tablespoons unbleached or all-purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 cup of a 50% mixture of milk and cream (half-and-half)

4 egg yolks

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

1/3 cup butter, melted

1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell

Prepare meringue

4 egg whites

1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 cup sugar

Whole eggs can be used in the filling instead of the meringue.

Combine sugar, flour and salt. Beat cream, egg yolks, and vanilla. Add to sugar mixture. Pour in melted butter. Spoon into unbaked pie shell and bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes. Top with prepared meringue and brown. Cool on a wire rack.



3/4 cup butter 
2 eggs
1/4 teaspoon soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon allspice
3 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup sorghum molasses
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/4 teaspoon cloves
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder

Cream butter and sugar together. Add eggs and molasses. Mix well. Add soda  to buttermilk. Mix dry ingredients together. Add alternately with milk to  batter, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients. Bake in thin layers  (about 1/2 inch thick in either 9-inch cake pans or the old-fashioned "black"  griddle) for about 12 minutes at 350 degrees.


1 1/2 pounds dried apples (3 cups)* [see recipe below for "Sulphured Apples"]
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 1/2 cups water

Cook together, and when almost done add 1/2 teaspoon each cinnamon, allspice  and cloves. Cool. Spread between layers of cake and stack. Green apples or  dried peaches can be substituted for dried apples.

The Mint Julep

Tennessee Table Recipes

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*All pictures are curtesy of eBay, other websites, the Library of Congress, and our own production. Copyright 2009.*

17th South Carolina Infantry Ladie's Auxiliary

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